She weighs the ominous pattern of her marriage against her compassion for her husband. Safe in South Dakota, Cassie contemplates her future.

Out of loyalty he cannot fully understand, Will spirits Cassie away to stay with his parents on the reservation where he grew up- and to which he never wanted to return- for the duration of her pregancy. Trying to piece together her past, she runs to the other person she trusts to keep her hidden- Will Flying Horse, the policeman who had initially harbored her. When she finds a positive pregnancy test in her bathroom, she is flooded with dark memories. She senses there is something troubling and wild that would alter the picture of her perfect marriage.

Yet as Cassie settles into her glamour-filled life, uneasiness nags at her. As Alex helps Cassie become reaccustomed to her fairy-tale existence, fragments of memory return: the whirlwind romance on location in Africa, her major anthropological discovery, the trajectory of Alex's career.