This analysis, we suggest, solicits feminist researchers to reflect on the political implications of their theoretical investments. A key issue, it contends, is the extent to which institutions (and other political categories) are conceptualized as discrete entities or as more open-ended “assemblages”. To illustrate this proposition it examines the political implications of the different meanings of discourse, and related concepts of power, ideas, and “agency”/subjectivity, in Habermasian-influenced discursive institutionalism and in Foucauldian-inspired poststructuralist analysis.

This text refers to an alternate kindleeditionedition. Carol Lee Bacchi's diary of mothering and contemporary post/academic writing strategies'. This book is immensely topical reflecting current concerns about the demanding nature of motherhood, the difficulties of reconciling infant care and paid work, and the trend of older women becoming mothers for the first time. The stinging question What if I don't love my child enough is. With “feminist discursive institutionalism” as exemplar, it introduces the argument that paradigms, and hence methodologies, matter politically because they create different realities. (2003) Fear of Food: A Diary of Mothering. Incorporating diary entries and reflections, this personal account of one mother's struggles during the first 12 months of her son's life to get him to eat openly confronts the social challenges mothers encounter, including insensitive doctors, the marketing of maternity in the media, postpartum depression, and social isolation. Medications can be helpful in bringing a truly stubborn phobia under control.

If your phobia is severe or life-limiting, cognitive-behavioral therapy can help you learn to replace your fears with more positive self-talk.

This paper joins the ongoing conversation about the desirability, or undesirability, of feminists becoming “new institutionalists”, which is linked to broader concerns about feminists seeking legitimacy as political “scientists”. Depending on its severity, the fear of cooking can be treated in a variety of ways.